Sunday 7 February 2016

Delicious Air Fryer Recipe

Crispy Potato Skin Wedges

Total Time: 1 hour 25 minutes
Active Time: 40 minutes

Serves: 6


6 medium sized russet potatoes
1/2  teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 1/2 teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons canola oil


Scrub the potatoes until they are clean under running water.  Boil the potatoes for 40 minutes or until they are tender using a fork in salted water.  Let the potatoes cool completely in the refrigerator (this will take approximately 30 minutes).

Combine the black pepper, salt, paprika and canola oil in a mixing bowl.  Cut up the cooled potatoes into quarter pieces.  Lightly toss the potatoes in the spices and oil mixture.  Preheat your AirFryer to 390 degrees Fahrenheit.  Add your potato wedges into the cooking basket.  They should be placed skin side down.  Be careful to not overcrowd the potatoes.  Coo the potato wedges until they are golden brown.  It should take around 14 to 16 minutes.

Air Fryers: Pros and Cons

Nowadays, eating healthy is becoming not only a trend, but also a must, especially for people who are overweight or have health issues like heart problems or high cholesterol. On the other hand, low fat food is usually tasteless and most of the people are used to and love fried food. So how can one still eat fried food and yet avoid any fat? Well, strangely enough, it is now possible, as the hot air fryers have been invented. They use 80% less fat for the same crispy result on your food.

What is an air fryer and how do I use it?

The air fryer machines use air to fry the food instead of dipping them in hot oil. You need to spray some fat first on your food but really little, almost 20% of what you would use for a deep fryer. The air will fry the food on the outside giving it the brown color and the crisps and also cook the food on the inside keeping it also juicy.

It has a basket where you can place the food and also a food divider, so you can also cook different food at the same time saving on time and energy.

Why should you move to a air fryer?

It is becoming an essential kitchen equipment as it gives you the possibility to quick very quickly, many kinds of food, sometimes different ones at once, it uses little fat and the food tastes so good.
On the other hand, it is so easy to clean and most of all, it does not fill your whole kitchen with that terrible odor that other deep fryers do.

Air fryers allow you to cook any type of recipe as they have temperature control and also auto shut-off, so you can decide to also make the machine do the entire job by presetting these options.
Due to its shape but also due to lack of fat used for cooking, your kitchen counter will not end up with oil spills all over it. You can cook and also be clean the whole time.
They can also be used for other functions like grilling or baking.
The cooler is incorporated and you don’t risk any explosion or getting burned while touching it.

What are the benefits coming from hot Air Fryers?

You don’t get so many calories coming from the dipped in oil food.
The fact that the temperature of the air fryer can change so quickly, from room temperature up to 300 C in just 5 minutes, this will make you cook very fast and save on electricity as well as your physical energy.

If you use the air fryer, you will never risk having overcooked or under cooked food, it will always be cooked as much as needed.

You don’t need training or preparation on how to use it. Its own booklet is enough for you to just learn the settings and functions and you are good to go and make sure you look at sites that can help you choose the best air fryers (